Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lyrics I'm Loving

"Without you I’d survive
But I’d have to have the notion
That I could live this life
Just going through the motions"

Those lines are from Keith Urban's "Without You."

They really struck me the first time I hear
d them. I think it's a great way to describe a healthy, true, real love. There's a lot there.

To say "without you I'd survive" pretty much goes against what a lot of song lyrics, movies, and fantasies say. That's why I like it.

It's a refreshing counterweight to the usual, "you're the air I breathe..." "you're the milk in my cereal..." "You're the reason I wake up" crap.

Though it makes for a nice sentiment, and melodrama has it's place, (God knows I can be melodramatic!) that's not love that works in the real world. In the real world, even if you've found your soul mate, you still need a sense of self. I can call my husband "my other half," but I'm still a whole person.

(let's pretend that makes sense, I was never good at math.)

An attitude that you need someone else to survive equals bad self esteem...which equals an unhealthy relationship.

"I'd have to have the notion that I could live this life going through the motions" is another gem. I love it, and I totally agree.

"Going through the motions" is what I felt I'd been doing before I met Mike. It's why I ran away from the life I started when I was too young to know what I wanted. Whether or not my decisions up to this point have been right or wrong, I know that I'm in the RIGHT place now.

This line, to me, says, "yeah, I could make it, but with you I'm really living...truly enjoying life! It's an adventure, it's exciting with you." It would be nothing...without you.

Personally, I think it's much more flattering to be wanted than to be needed.

That's what love is.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this song Carrie. I'm so glad to see you are still on Mr. Urban's bandwagon.
    Also... I'm glad I'm able to comment again. There's so much I've been waiting to say.
