Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's been such a long time...

Since I've done a blog post.

When it's been a long time since I've done something, I like to announce it in the tune of "Long Time" by Boston.

I notice my last post correlates with the start of my current job. Which can be quite draining. So I'm just going to say I've taken a break from blogging.

I also think I haven't been on here because...I don't know...I guess I assume my life is kinda boring. I would like to write about stuff other than myself too!

So...on to writing about myself (HA!)

I am absolutely loving my new job! I have adjusted to working overnights (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.) pretty well. Though my life is a routine-fest now. In bed by 2:30 p.m! And passed out by 7 p.m. on Friday.
I love writing and putting together a show...I really want to keep learning and making our show better.
2 weeks of blizzard-ing is wearing on me, though. I will be so ready for a vacation in May...which brings me to...

Wedding! Or: "effin' wedding." I should probably be getting my tail in gear. We have the place, food, and invitations. We still need someone to marry us, decoration plans, dancing plans, someone to operate our music playlist, and (maybe) a photographer.
Honeymoon plans haven't been decided yet...either road trip, or going to the beach somewhere on the East Coast. Depending on how much debt we want to get into!

Oh! and my family got us our wedding present early for Christmas! A red Kitchenaid stand mixer with a pasta attachment! And, yes... I have used it! And it's fantastic.

In fact, for Valentine's day I'm planning on making homemade ravioli and a red velvet cake.

I also signed up for twitter this morning. And I am evidently not savvy enough to figure it out. I mainly want to use it to follow local news so I can be as in the know as possible. Apparently all the hip, cool, rad kids are doing it. My ID is tatgalqueencity. I now realize it would have made more sense the other way around. Oh well.

AAaaand my dog is still adorable.

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