Saturday, November 12, 2011


I haven't been on here in awhile!

But I have been writing...a lot. I just haven't been posting things here.

And that's because I'm staring a project experiment thing at work.

A "proj-speriment," if you will.

I'm going to have a "column" on!

I'm going to keep this one up, but I will mostly be posting on my KSPR column.

We don't know exactly how it's going to work, if it will be a hit...if the public will be super mean to me...but myself, and our web guru at the station are going for it.

It should be up next week...I hope. I need to get a good picture to use for my default-profile. Apparently there are very few photos of me that do not include Mike, or me holding a beer. Hm.

So after my morning bike ride, I'm going to dye my hair and work it like Tyra and have Mike some pictures. I'm working on my model faces right now.

I hope to accomplish a few things with this:

  • Selfish stuff first: I LOVE writing and it's something I think God's given me an ability to do fairly well. This column will give me more of a motivation to write more often and get better at it. Instead of thinking, "OH! I have a great blog idea!" And then just coming home and watching The Soup instead. Plus, if this goes well, opportunities could come and it will look good on a resume.
  • I'm looking out for my employer...who I am faithful a fault. I'm hoping to bring more eyes to my station's site.
  • And, hey, it just sounds like fun.
Of course, I'm nervous and insecure about this...I'm not really an authority on anything at all...what if no one likes me? Facebook commenters can be mean! What if I run out of ideas!?

But I'm trying to get rid of those thoughts.

"I guess if you don't jump you never know if you can fly..."--Miranda Lambert

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