Friday, July 1, 2011

Memory Lane...A Look Through My Senior Scrapbook

OK, so when I was looking through things I needed to get my name changed and such, I found my senior scrapbook from 2002. I got a big kick out of what a massive dork I was almost 10 years ago, so I thought I'd share some highlights.

Why? Because I don't have any better blog ideas right now. Those of you who knew me back then will probably be amused, those of you who didn't will probably make fun of me...

Here Goes...

Favorite teachers
Mrs. Cline-English; Ms. Lambert-Creative Writing; Mr. Williams-Spanish; Mrs. Harris-Algebra; Ms. Hanlen-Drama

Who I most admired:
Steven Curtis Chapman
My Parents
Pastor Bob

Who I wanted to meet:
Steven Curtis Chapman (can anyone guess who my favorite singer was...good grief!)
Oprah (???)

Favorite movies:
10 Things I Hate About You...when I fell in love with the late, great Heath Ledger
Road Trip...watched it pretty much every day after school at my friend Ben's house. Was it that good of a movie? Probably not. Did we laugh every time? Yes.

This one is very embarrassing...
What I like to wear:
Long jackets and sweaters
Leather pants (what?!?)
Dark lipstick

My dreams:
"to marry my true love that God has chosen for me, graduate college, have a stable career, stay a good Christian, direct theatre, have my own radio show."

We had a tiny white poodle named Ditto. He passed away the day before I left for college (awww...)

My sweet little brother was a freshman my senior year. He was much more popular than me.

Apparently, "me and dad (were) kinda having problems because of me growing up and having a boyfriend." Oy.

This makes me feel old...
Price of:
Movie ticket: $7.50
Pair of jeans: $30
My car: $924.00 (why I was so specific, I'm not sure. I can't remember if this was the giant old white Oldsmobile or the giant old navy blue Buick)
Tank of gas: $13.00 (really? I don't think I ever had to pay for my own gas, so I probably pulled that out of my butt)

"What's Hot":
Song: "Fallin'" by Alicia Keys; "How You Remind Me" by Nickleback (ugh)
Music group: Nickleback; Staind; Lincoln Park; Lifehouse
Movies: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars prequels (you can tell that I hung out with mostly guys and tomboys, no?)
Favorite Shows: Friends, That '70's Show (both of which I still watch!)

Apparently I though myself and my boyfriend at the time (Shea Langner) was the cutest couple in our class.

I thought Jason McConnell and Robert Bailey were the funniest people in our class.

I thought Emily Gibson (fellow blogger shout out!), Amelia Edwards, and my friend Jason were most likely to succeed.

I wrote about a battle of the bands that my friend Robert and his family organized, called "OBOB" (Ozark Battle of the Bands)...

I wrote about a game of charades my friends and I played...which was apparently hilarious.

I wrote down some classic quotes from "The Group" (the super-creative way my friends and I referred to each other) but they are mostly inappropriate and/or really dumb so I won't share. OK, just one, "That was the naughty pirate's punishment." I have no explanation, but apparently I though I needed to remember that one of my friends said it.

My favorite weekend of senior year was when we had a huge snow, no school, and my friends and I all spend the day sledding.

Here's how cool I was:
In the "Sports I Played" section, I wrote about drama class!!

We did "Into the Woods" for the fall musical, and I think that was when I fell in love with behind the scenes work. I was the teacher's "assistant," I guess you could say.

Any of my karaoke buddies will most likely not be surprised that I didn't get a lead role in the musical. Mariah Carey I am not. Besides, "Talk Dirty to Me" is not featured in "Into the Woods."

Anyway, I wrote that I sacrificed a lot, including a concert by Avalon, a Christian group I really liked at the time.

But, "It was all worth it when I heard the opening music on Thursday...I got chills. And when Ms. Hanlen say me in the hall and said, 'good job, Carrie.'"

No, I do not get chills every morning when the opening music to my newscast plays.

And I played Annelle in "Steel Magnolias" for the Spring play. No, I will not do the voice.

My Stuff:
In my locker: gym clothes; books; posters (I'm going to guess Backstreet Boys and/or 98 Degrees)
In my backseat: backpack, Baby Moses (I have no idea...I'm going to assume it was a baby doll for a church play...but, really...I don't know)

Apparently, if my house was burning down, I would first grab my CD's, pictures, and clothes. Grabbing my pet was ranked at the bottom. My priorities would be different now.

My First Job:
I really did write this: producer/director for a news show. (HA!)
OR radio DJ


New York City, Nashville, or Springfield

Oh and then there's some fantastically embarrassing pictures of me wearing my dark lipstick and such.

I encourage everyone else to share their senior year memories as well.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my GOOD Grief!!!!! I feel honored Carrie. Shows how much we knew back in the day, huh? :))
