Here's a pic of my fabulous ring! I've never really been a jewelry person, and am obviously biased, but I think it's the most beautiful engagement ring ever. We got it at Kay Jewelers in the Battlefield Mall.
I'm not sure if I'll get a band to go with it yet. It's not really shaped well to go with a band, and, as I found through a 5-minute Google search, wedding/engagement ring traditions have changed over time. Colonial women received "engagement thimbles." Whoopee! And in some cultures, the ring is worn on the right hand, in some, the man also receives an engagement ring.
I'm just as married if I don't have a band...that's my idea behind this whole wedding planning process. There's so many things culture/tradition/wedding magazines seem to require for a wedding celebration. The fun thing is: we don't have to do those things! Mike and I are going to plan a ceremony and party that is completely and totally US! We're not going to stress over things we see as a hassle because we "have" to do it. (Well, if you know me, I'll stress anyway!) I'd rather celebrate the people who've supported our lives and relationship and focus on planning for a great life together.
Pretty, pretty ring!